Friday, May 20, 2016

Performance Review Emmet Allen

The Jungle Book was performed by the Henry Clay Theater Department this month, with more than a full cast of student actors. The school's interpretation was true to the full length movie that it was based on. Actors did a good job bringing life to the characters, but there were some shortcomings. On a couple of songs, microphones weren't on when they should have been, and there were some other issues with volume and clarity.
Because this was a piece focused on animals, there were some difficulties regarding the options for displaying the characters. Jade Curless, for example, did an excellent job as the snake. There were two individuals responsible for its representation--one holding the head, and the other swaying the body. Similarly, when the monkeys were portrayed, ropes were dangled from the ceiling to make their appearance more true to conventional ideas about monkeys in children's films. The actors swung from the ropes in an impressive display of creativity on the part of the directors.

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