Thursday, December 17, 2015

Performance Review- David Chen

Importance of Being Earnest at UK, October 2015
The play from the very beginning seemed to match most other plays I've seen, nothing very unusual or eye-catching from the set. The actors were good in the sense they could portray the characters to make the story come alive, although some of the actors were a bit too enthusiastic for my taste in portraying emotions. I remember the casual mannerisms of Algernon were a little too noticeable for the audience as no one in their right mind would flourish their limbs so illustriously. This would have been good for those that weren't familiar with the story and characters but for those that were it looks forced and unnatural. Apart from that, I was able to follow the story with relative ease and could understand most of the scenes that took place after. All in all, most of the acting was quite believable to say the least if not noticing some of the actors' physical appearances weren't particularly descriptive of the character, such as Chausable as an Indian guy. The props of the food that were eaten by Jack and others were actual edible items and the actors incorporated those quite nicely in the act. These food items allowed the characters to pompously eat them to portray pride or the opposite by nibbling.

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