Monday, August 24, 2015

Why Art?--Gabriel Molina

I feel like there are a lot of answers to the question, "Why art?" For me personally, one of the purposes I see for art is expression of the artist. Based on my conversations and interactions with artistically minded people, as well as based on my own experience, forms of art are sometimes the only or the best means for one to express themselves. Another purpose I see in it is simply to create beauty. I think there is an importance in appreciating beauty, whether it's in literature, visual art, music, etc. Artists contribute that beauty to the world.

That means part of the role of the artist is to create that beauty. Artists are often artists because they have the ability to see things others don't, or at least to see them in a different way. So I would say part of their role is to share that perspective with others, through their respective means of art. My dad is a professional painter, for example. For him not to paint would almost rob the world of something. He has a unique way of seeing things, and no one else can paint what he does, so part of his role I think is to share that. I would say another role of an artist is to be open, honest, revealing. I think mainly of music in this context. I find music (and other art) that is open and revealing about the artist far more interesting and immersing than that which lacks honesty. I believe that's a role/responsibility of the artist.

Language arts differs from the other arts because of the means of expression. There is art expressed through music, there is art expressed through visual means, and language arts uses words ("language") to express a message. I think since language is used widely so much, it takes a significant degree of creativity to use it in artistic expression. Poetry comes to mind. It takes words that we use all the time, and through rearranging, adding rhythm, and other devices, makes it artistic. It amazes me the ability of some people to do this so well. Same with prose. Though it usually uses a similar rhythm to what we are used to speaking and hearing daily, a writer uses devices and structure and lots of creative thought to express a message in a deeper way than just stating it blatantly.

I am an artist. At least part of me is. I am mainly a musician, an acoustic guitarist. I don't do much performing, though I have before, but my playing guitar is mainly an outlet, a means of expression for me. I learn songs, but I also find my own melodies and rhythms, etc. Sometimes I find myself with something inside me that I just can't find the words to express. So through guitar I attempt to express those things. Though all of that is without words/lyrics, I have recently found myself captivated by poetry as well as lyrics in music. I hope to improve my ability to express myself in words, whether through poetry or through lyrics. Yes I am an artist.

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