Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Ekphrasis - Caleb Combs

A magnificent starry night,
One of the beauties of life.
It is a breathtaking sight,
One that must be respected.

The moon like pure gold
And the stars swirling around.
The moon watches over the town
As the stars continue to swirl.

People live on in their homes,
The church watches over them like the moon,
And as each and every night comes,
The church protects them.

Worries are washed away
By the promise of something more.
We are always reminded of this
On each and every starry night.

Van Gogh, Vincent. The Starry Night. 1889. Oil on canvas. Saint Remy-De Provence


  1. Nice poem! It's such a well-known painting yet it is still one of my favorites. I'm glad to say your poem does it justice. I especially liked your diction choices. It engaged me and brought life to the poem. Choices like "magnificent" and "breathtaking" were great. I also enjoyed the personification of the building you call a church. Interesting that you mention "the church protects them." The ending stanza was great, describing a promise for which the starry night serves as a reminder.

  2. This poem really encapsulated the entire feeling of the portrait. The tranquility of this piece can really be captured by adjectives such as breathtaking, swirl, and gold. The stillness of the countryside, coupled with an old-timely feel are brought out and connected through the reader in a spiritual bond of poetic literature.

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