Tuesday, September 22, 2015

responses to poem responses - Emily Cashman

I'd first like to respond to Caroline Totty's response. She spoke about how different people view art in different ways and I feel as though that relates to how I think art is capable of eliciting so many different emotions from people depending on their backgrounds, feelings, or situations because art is heavily up to interpretation. I like how she related the quote to the "Harlem Dancer"; it was a very creative interpretation, which is just another example of how differently people can view works of art.

Since nobody else in the class chose "London 1802" as their poem, my other response will be on a person who chose the same quote as me. Lucy Macfarlan also picked the Joseph Conrad quote for her response. I liked how she focused more on how the emotions serve to connect us and pulls us together, which is why art is so successful at making the audience feel something. I really enjoyed how she incorporated Damien Hirst's "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living" piece because I remember learning about it in art history last year and think it's a really cool and unique piece of art.

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